
CBSA Policy Research, Policy Research

Submission to Public Safety and National Security on Bill C-20

Bill C-20 establishes a Public Complaints and Review Committee that will oversee civilian complaints about some Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA) and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) activity. The legislation falls short in a few areas, including delivering true recourse for victims of unfair treatement at the hands of the CBSA and RCMP.

The Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council submitted a comprehensive review of Bill C-20. Our statement addresses these issues and proposes amendments that would establish a fair review process with true recourse for those caught in the securitization net. Other recommendations include allowing systemic and third party complaints, protection of complainants through the process, and the binding nature of the committee’s findings. 

This statement is available in French and English. 


  • CMPAC-Submission-to-the-Parliament-of-Canada-Bill-C-20-English_French pdf (270kb)