Issam Saleh is a successful entrepreneur in real estate development and CEO of Vivid Homes. Issam’s public policy expertise involves helping families to overcome barriers when trying to secure employment and housing. As a board member of the Civida, Issam actively works on affordable housing, one of the most critical challenges facing families in Edmonton today. Issam regularly advises the Alberta provincial government as well as the Edmonton municipal government on public policy that impacts the Muslim community. He also organizes community engagement initiatives for dialogue with elected officials and government officials. Issam works closely with many local Alberta based organizations in the Muslim community as well as on humanitarian causes and Indigenous affairs. Issam serves as the Director of Community Engagement for the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC). Issam is the Chair of the MAC Islamic School in Edmonton. He is also one of the founders of YEG Muslim Vote that educates and encourages Albertan Muslims to participate in local elections.